The government has launched the Smart Gaze project, which it said aims to assist vulnerable individuals, including those suffering from ALS or spinal cord paralysis, in using technology through eye-tracking. This was announced during a press conference held at Dar Bjorn in Żebbuġ by the Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Research, and Innovation, Keith
Ukraine on Tuesday backed a US proposal for a 30-day general ceasefire with Russia, with the United States in turn agreeing to lift restrictions on military aid and intelligence sharing, a joint statement said. After talks in Saudi Arabia, the two sides also agreed to conclude "as soon as possible" a deal on Ukrainian minerals, the statement said.
Popular weather Facebook page ‘It-Temp Madwarna’ has shared striking images of the powerful storm that led to the collapse of Gozo’s iconic Azure Window eight years ago. The photos, taken during the day in Marsalforn, showcase the intensity of the storm that battered the Maltese islands. Towering waves crashed onto the shore, flooding roads and reaching
The Commissioner of Police must explain how and why the change in the amount of drugs stolen from an Armed Forces of Malta base came about, the PN said. "It is surreal how, from the initial statement by Commissioner of Police Angelo Gafà to the media on 25 February - declaring that 226 kilograms of drugs had been stolen from outside the Special Operations
Il-Ministeru għas-Saħħa u l-Anzjanità Attiva ħabbar li kien hemm żieda fin-numru ta’ interventi u operazzjonijiet li saru fl-Isptar Ġenerali ta’ Għawdex matul is-sena li għaddiet. Fl-2024, l-Isptar ta’ Għawdex irreġistra numru rekord ta’ 5,529 intervent, żieda ta’ 14% fuq is-sena 2023. Din iċ-ċifra tikkumpara tajjeb maż-żieda fin-numru ta’ interventi
Għaddejja ħidma biex f’pajjiżna jidħol leave għal dawk li jkunu sofrew minn korriment. Dan tħabbar mill-Prim Ministru u l-Mexxej tal-Partit Laburista, Dr Robert Abela waqt laqgħa ta’ diskussjoni bit-tema ‘Nisfidaw l-Isterjotipi, Noħolqu l-Opportunitajiet’ mtella’ mill-Partit Laburista u Nisa Laburisti f’Birżebbuġa. Din il-ħidma qed tkun ikkordinata
F’Jum il-Mara, ġiet imnedija inizjattiva li l-għan tagħha hu biex jiġi pprovdut servizz ta’ childminding għat-tfal tal-membri tal-kunsill waqt il-laqgħat statutorji tal-Kunsilli Lokali. Permezz ta’ dan is-servizz il-membri kollha tal-Kunsilli Lokali, Reġjonali u l-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Kunsilli, se jkunu jistgħu jagħmlu bilanċ aħjar ir-responsabbiltajiet
The carcass of a cow was removed from the rocks at the Sliema front on Sunday morning after being spotted by a policeman. He reported his unusual discovery at about 10am after going down from the promenade to investigate. Workers from the Public Cleansing Department said they occasionally recovered dead fish from the area, but never a cow! Some speculated
Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has slammed what he described as bullying tactics a day after US President Donald Trump threatened military action. "Some bully governments -- I really don't know of any more appropriate term for some foreign figures and leaders than the word bullying -- insist on negotiations," Khamenei told officials after
Gusts and torrential rain have blacked out more than a quarter of a million properties and swamped parts of Australia's east coast, officials said Sunday, with one driver confirmed dead and a dozen troops injured in the wild weather. After days hovering off the coast as a category 2 tropical cyclone and battering a 400-kilometre (250-mile) stretch
The election of Donald Trump by the American people last November did not come as a surprise to me. Discontent with economic instability and the prevailing sentiment that migrants were lowering the standard of living of average Americans prevailed over everything else. Trump easily won the popular vote, despite the fact that, to put it in Politico’s
In December, Rebirth explored the intricacies of property restoration in Malta with a comprehensive guide to property conversion. Now, interior designer and architect Paul Cuschieri returns to share his own hands-on experience restoring two remarkable century-old properties in Balluta and Valletta. These stories of renewal go beyond renovation. They
Inflation, which could also be referred to as the silent thief, stealthily erodes the purchasing power of money over time. It is an economic phenomenon that affects everyone, from the average consumer to large corporations, and can have far-reaching implications on savings and investments. Understanding inflation and its impact on your financial well-being
In recent years, women have been reshaping the corporate world and stepping into leadership roles in increasing numbers. From top executives to entrepreneurs, female leaders are paving the way for a more inclusive and innovative business environment, bringing with them a leadership style that fosters collaboration, empathy and long-term sustainability
In today's competitive business landscape, securing financial support through funding schemes can be a game-changer for companies looking to expand, innovate, or improve their operations. Government and the European Union offer various funding opportunities that can help businesses achieve their goals without bearing the full financial burden alone
The financial services industry in the EU is undergoing an unprecedented regulatory transformation. A wave of new legislation, spanning from AI, data governance, cybersecurity, and operational resilience, is not just reshaping compliance requirements but reedifying and reshaping risk management, operational resilience and business operations. The AI
Measuring an astounding total of 21,196 kilometres, the Great Wall of China is indeed the longest man-made structure in the world. However, even though it boasts such an impressive length, it is only approximately six metres at its widest – at the wall base itself. This, coupled with the fact that the Great Wall is made of materials that indeed look
Spacecraft, including satellites, are exceptionally complex and expensive machines with thousands of telemetry channels, recording a number of aspects from temperature, radiation, power and instrumentation to computational activities. In addition, advances in engineering and technology are leading to the generation of an increasing amount of such telemetry