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The truth in the legend of Lawrence of Arabia
The truth in the legend of Lawrence of Arabia

The truth in the legend of Lawrence of Arabia

Dr Neil Faulkner will deliver a lecture on the myth and truth about this early 20th century celebrity. On the basis of sensational new evidence from archaeological fieldwork, Faulkner will contrast the legend of Lawrence of Arabia with the true story of what happened in the famous desert war of 1916 to 1918 discussing what he was about. Is the legend

Latest AsinMalta Lecture to take place on Thursday 22nd April

Latest AsinMalta Lecture to take place on Thursday 22nd April

Poster by ASinMalta. On the basis of sensational new evidence from archaeological fieldwork, Neil will contrast the legend of Lawrence of Arabia with the true story of what happened in the famous desert war of 1916 to 1918.  Is the legend a myth?  Was Lawrence, as some claim, a liar and a charlatan?  Or does the legend reflect reality?  Was he, in